Here’s Something You’d Want  To Know…

About Yi Therapy

What's Yi Therapy?

A pain relief clinic in Downtown Toronto that utilizes Traditional & Alternative Medicine treatment methods for various types of problems: headache, back, neck, shoulder pain and more.

Traditional & Alternative

What does Yi Therapy Do?

Yi Technique

Combination of Acupressure and Osteopathy takes care of pain nicely!


Traditional Chinese treatment method based on energy meridians.


AKA Tuina Massage. Works on clearing the blocked chnnaels.


Traditionally used to release deep tissue muscular tensions.

Light Therapy

AKA Laser Acupuncture. Instead of needles, low density laser is used.


Works on muscles and connective tissues to relieve tensions.

What are the…

What is Yi Therapy specializing in?

Acute Pain

Sudden shocking pain felt on your body.

Chronic Pain

Suffering from consistent pain for a long time?


Stubborn pain in your head just doesn’t go away?

Back Pain

If you use your computer with bad posture, you’ll definitely feel it!


Random pain just spontaneously appeared?


Shooting pain coming down from your back to the knees?

Who's behind Yi Therapy?

Our therapists will use acupuncture, massage (acupressure/tuina), cupping, and manual osteopathy to relief acute & chronic pain for you.
Also, any related issues resulting in pain like anxiety, depression, insomnia, or stress can be resolved with these treatments.

What are the…

Yi Therapy Pricings

Yi Technique




